Mother Hen’s Guide to Aging Gracefully

From motherhendiaries a great plan for aging gracefully! Joyous Geriatricity…love it!!!

Mother Hen Diaries

shutterstock_183881222I’m a big believer in being prepared.

Need a painkiller? I’ve probably got a Tylenol* hanging around the bottom of my handbag. It’s a little linty, but it’ll cure your headache. Safety pin? Well, a busty gal like me never leaves home without one. (Buttons, for the record, are pure evil!) Need any shade of lippy? Well, it’s no worse than kissing me I guess, so if you’re currently cold-sore-free, you’re welcome to it. Super glue? Lightly used Kleenex? Hand sanitizer? Oh yes. I’m on it.

On my daughter’s wedding day, when one of her bridesmaids put her heel through the hem of her taffeta gown, did I panic? No, of course duct tapenot. Because the mother of the bride was packing duct tape! Yes, my friends. duct tape**. It fixes pretty much everything, and that pretty little girl marched right down the aisle with no one the wiser.

Thus, with my fiftieth birthday looming…

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